Join Mintronics for their 3D Design Technologies Showcase, 15th April 2015 at the Scotch Corner Hotel near Darlington.
On the day you will see and touch the 3D design technologies which keep you ahead of the competition, shorten your time to market, and increase your profits.
In addition, how to effectively keep your people safe, manage resources through document management and ERP.
This is no ordinary exhibition, events are live “you can use the software and tools on the day”, and discuss your own special requirements.
Previews available:-
Digital clay modelling with Geomagic Sculpt Touch – 2 minute video
Reverse engineering with Capture scanner and Geomgaic Design X – less than a minute
Integrated CAD/CAM with Geomagic Design and VisualMill – less than 2 minutes
Secure document & information control – M-Files – 4 minute video
We look forward to meeting you on Wednesday 15th April, for further detail call 0844 3570378, or email
Stay for an hour or as long as required = your choice
Limited admissions allowed on the day due to interaction with the systems – to avoid disappointment register now
Via John Minto, Managing Director, Mintronics